Sunday, March 31, 2013

Main Theme - found my "hook"

I stumbled upon the main "theme" for my web-page, interactive tutorials, and parts of my videos:


Here is the main backdrop file that I put together today:
* Update: I removed the old blackboard file and put in my own file. You can see my "Colbysworld" water print in the lower-right corner.

And then I also came up with the "name" of this... theme...

Here is a rough sketch:

I have been using "Colby's Science" for about twelve years now. It has been accompanied by a little "space frog" character that I took from Freehand 7 software (royalty free). But I want something that is not copy-written so I need to come up with my own, NEW, logo.

My theme will be "Colby's World of Science", but that is too long, so it can be "Colby's World" or "Colby's Science" for short. The idea is that I am taking students into my own little world of Physics instruction. This world exists "on the blackboard" or, on a "digital blackboard" to be precise. I can make my webpage theme chalk/chalkboard. I can make the interactive Flash files like a framed blackboard with "chalk" characters running around. I can make my video's chalk-board-like as well. The chalk "look" will fit with all three mediums... I think.

Also: I upgraded my Adobe Creative Cloud to a Teacher's Account for $19.95/month (plus tax)

Time: 4 hours
Cost: $256

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